Coffee In Costa Rica

In all fairness, we think Costa Rica has the best tasting coffee you can finding the  world. People travel from all over to experience the beauty of Costa Rica’s beaches  and savour our delicious foods, in all varieties. It’s our world-renowned coffee that  keeps them coming back for more.

Coffee in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is the only country in the world where it is actually forbidden to produce any type of coffee other than 100% Arabica—the highest quality of coffee beans. A law was passed in 1989 and encouraged  Costa Rican farmers to pursue true excellence. Arabica beans are a specific bean that is more more difficult to grow than other. The result when the beans mature though is rich, full-bodied flavours leading to premium blends. In Costa Rica we take growing coffee seriously. 

Arabica coffee beans come from delicate plants that need specific climate conditions to thrive, including high altitude and mild  temperatures. In Costa Rica, the mountainous regions and warm temperatures  provide the perfect environment for growing the highest quality Arabica beans. 

Costa Rica has only two seasons: dry and a rainy season, both of which provide perfect coffee growing climates. Heavy rainfall and high altitudes create ideal farmland and a stunning backdrop for our country. Over 70 percent of our coffee is grown in the mountainous  regions, which have highly varied altitudes. All of these factors affect the aroma, body, flavour, and acidity of the coffee we produce. The soil is enriched by volcanic ash, which oxygenates the beans, giving them richer flavours. The beauty of our natural climate makes Costa Rica the perfect place to visit, live and of course our coffee.


The Market In Costa Rica


Cost Of Living In Costa Rica